Archaeologists Uncover Rare Unbent Fork in Creelman Hall


By: Calder Schweitzer

GUELPH – Archaeologists working on an excavation project in Creelman Hall last week uncovered something truly remarkable – a fork: completely unbent, and in reasonable condition. At this point the artifact is believed to be the only one of its kind, as Dr. Marsha Watson, lead digger on the expedition, explains. “The form is incredible. Look at how the tines, yes, that’s what the little prongs are called, are all parallel; not a single one is bent out of shape. The handle, as well, has a slight curve that leads us to believe that the forks of modern-day Creelman were once designed for ergonomic use, and not for the dual function of being an abstract art exhibit.”

A discovery like this gives us a true window into the life of those long before us. This particular artifact is believed to date back at least one thousand semesters, to the time when course selection was done on stone slabs and professors still used overhead projectors for their lessons. The students of this time would have been able to go to Creelman, get a meal, acquire their silverware, and eat immediately, without having to spend the first 20 minutes of their meal altering the shape of their silverware.

The dig will continue in search of larger and more valuable artifacts. Dr. Watson hopes to possibly pull up an unbent knife to match the fork, or perhaps a spoon that is totally clean. The Modern Spirit will be sure to keep you all updated on the status of the dig and if any more valuable artifacts are found.


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