Last year, The Beaverton wrote a piece about all the interesting facts you could learn about Andrew Scheer. We here at The Modern Spirit realized there were a lot of interesting facts about other people too, and some of them were worth looking into.
This week, we’ve decided to focus on the licence plate expert, former drug dealer, and wanna-be Mayor of Toronto, Doug Ford!
Doug Ford still wants to be Mayor of Toronto
Like the Beaverton said so clearly “you’ll find that none of these facts will enrich your life in any way, and – in fact – are a poor use of your limited time and brainspace.”
We hope these facts impact you and your decision to read more non-fiction on the Internet. Maybe this will help you quit Twitter like you’ve been telling your friends you wanted to for the last few years.
1) Doug Ford’s parents’ names are Doug and Ruth
2) Doug Ford spent his childhood summers in the part of Ontario known as Etobicoke (pronounced Etobi-“co”, not Etobi-“coke”).
3) Doug Ford spent most of his career working for a company that specialized in pressure-sensitive labels for plastic-wrapped grocery products.
4) Doug Ford’s favourite food is spaghetti.
5) Doug Ford’s second favourite food is ‘chocolate milk’
6) Doug Ford met his then girlfriend (now wife) Marla at a garden party at his parent’s house.
7) Doug Ford, just like Donald Trump, has never had a dog.
8) Doug Ford’s middle name is Robert.
9) Probably none of Doug Ford’s children need to wear glasses (if they do, they’re very good at hiding it).
10) If Doug Ford had been born a girl, his name would have been Ruth. Because his mom. He’s named after a parent.
11) Doug Ford takes a nice warm shower in the morning. I mean, doesn’t everyone though?
12) Doug Ford’s favourite football team is the Blue Jays. He hoped he would be mayor of Toronto and would meet the Blue Jays, but that did not happen. So now, he is Premier.
13) Doug Ford wears ties a lot. He loves his ties. Those choking, biting, brutal, ties.
14) Doug Ford prefers to drive a car that uses pure gasoline. VRROM VRROM
15) As a child, Doug Ford’s favourite thing on the playground was the Teeter Totter
16) Doug Ford once bought a moderately famous piece of art and tried to portray it as priceless.
17) Doug Ford knows a LOT about making stickers, probably too much. It’s not like he owns a label business or anything…
18) Doug Ford got mistaken once for Chris Farley.
19) Doug Ford once drank out of a reusable plastic bottle, but didn’t like the taste.
20) Doug Ford is the average height for Ontarians.
21) Doug Ford washes his car every three weeks.
22) Doug Ford drinks Jackson Triggs wine without remorse.
23) Doug Ford’s favourite colour is blue.