By: Jack Fisher

ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD (BUT SPECIFICALLY GUELPH RIGHT NOW) – Two Working Groups from the previous sub-Committee On Current Tasks have been formed to tackle the seminal task that has been assigned. Members of the Primary Committee who are on the Primal Sub-Committee have been divvied up into the two Working Groups with the intention of creating a varied pool or resources to bring some knowledge back to the primary sub-Committee.

The Committee fragmented last month with the intention of bringing clarity to the issues at hand. However, the issue quickly became segmented into two main parts and the Working Groups were formed in expediated succession.

The chair of the sub-Committee has assured the public that the concern about which the original committee was formed is being worked on with the utmost scrutiny.

Working Group A has been tackling the problem of “where,” and while this is a premier topic amongst the constituents, it does not seem to matter as much as Working Group B.
Working Group B is looking at the cost of funding and has been attracting several external members to their meetings. A number of citizens – who have not been appointed to the Working Group – have been attending on a regular basis. The input from these members appears to be uninformed and “kinda stupid” according to a founding member.

The City of Guelph expects the Working Groups to be finished their deliberations by the Fall of 2021. At which point the topic of conversation will be presented to the council in 2023 – as per usual.


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